- NOTE: our EP 2.0 annealers still come with the "smaller diameter - longer - blue style - 14oz" tank style holders, BUT this is a great item to add to your cart IF you want the option to use the "larger diameter - shorter - green style - 16oz" tanks!
- all aluminum construction
- FREE SHIPPING! Shipping to 50 states only (see note below for international shipping)
- We typically ship out on Tuesday & Friday with tracking emailed the night belore (Can change due to holidays or vacations). We USUALLY ship using USPS.
- NOTE: We are currently NOT swapping tank holders that come with the EP 2.0 annealer. This is an add on option for $18.99
- NOTE: If you incur any shipping damage, then please keep the box showing the shipping damage for pictures. Email us at epintegrations@hotmail.com with any shipping issues ASAP!
- NOTE: Now shipping to Canada with rates caluclated at checkout through USPS. Canadian customers are responsible for all import duties above & beyond shipping rates!
NOTE: For international shipping (non-Canadian) quotes = email us AT epintegrations@hotmail.com the following in this EXACT order (copy & paste list below with answer in your email):
1.) Country
2.) Address
3.) Address 2 (if needed)
4.) Postal code
5.) City or town
6.) Phone #
7.) Preferred email
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